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Network and Datacenter

Our data centers offer dedicated high speed Internet connectivity, Multiple Carrier, 10GE switched network, USA and UK Locations network. State-of-the-art data center, state-of-the-art data center parks provide an excellent and environmentally-friendly infrastructure for your Internet business. Multi-redundant network connections to important Internet exchanges ensure fast website access.


Redundant Power Supply - Reliability exceeds 99.99%. The main electrical room provides clean, consistent power via switch gear, UPS systems, multiple feeds and generator backup to ensure a consistent supply of power to the facility.

Environmental Controls

The data center is air conditioned by N+1 units capable of sustained usage during generator use. Air flow quality is monitored and cleaned through air handlers. Temperature and humidity is controlled at 68F degrees at 50% humidity.


Video-monitored high-security perimeter fencing around the entire data center. Entry via electronic access control card Ultra-modern surveillance cameras for 24/7 monitoring of access routes, entrances, security door interlocking systems and server rooms.

Bandwidth Providers

Our network infrastructure offers you Low latency and high throughput network access access to to North America, Europe and Asia. Multiple Tier-1 Internet Service Providers, including: Level3, Tinet SpA, Tata Communications, NTT America, XO, Telia, DE-CIX, AMS-IX.


VOIP Business publish Website
Very Easy to manage
Included Administrator Panel to edit your website rate, image, downlink and more

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Download Management Software with monthly rent server only 20 USD

Download Management software
Monthly Rent 20 USD
First Month Service 52 USD details in below:
New 01 Domain: 12 USD
Hosting 1000 MB with 10000 MB bandwidth: 20 USD
Advance Monthly Rent Payment 20 USD
Total 52 USD for the first month
Demo: http:dwn....

MySQL Database Automatic Backup Management Only 300 USD

Window base MySQL Database Automatic Backup Software

Why will you choice this Software?
Backup time : Customize (per Minutes/ Hour/ Day/ Week)
Backup file in Remote Computer : YES
Backup file in Local Computer: YES

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